We save broken.

For years got thrift and consumption renunciation as good decided and also of governments promoted. I have already ago years warned also in letters to the editor in different magazines of the consequences.

Now, I see more and more that I was, unfortunately, right.

Today one economizes at all corners and ends. The people in wide parts of Europe are afraid of spending money of losing their jobs because they the future of are afraid and fear.

This behavior will also provide for the loss of many jobs soon.

People live more and more in fear their/its future of, do not join any risk any more and want to be totally secured.

Hereby, they reach the opposite exactly, however.

If less is bought, is less produced automatically.

Will produce less, use and lose weden fewer workers their/her work.

The prices by more sell, weden lowered.

The production is not worth any more, many companies must closers.

Additional jobs are discontinued.

People get fear more and try to distribute less and form reserves.

The reserves withdraw purchasing power, there are unemployed more, the reserves are consumed because there are not any jobs any more. The money of the reserves comes up much slowly afloat in order to save something.

What can one do still?

1. no official requests for the thrift.

2. change there people's consciousness that they live today and not in a still unknown future. Can say somebody how old he will? Perhaps is emergency also still something of connectivity and family had left. Goes what millennia did not go any more suddenly?

Problems come on if they are manageable and not before in panic geraten.. Miserliness is not raunchy but ours everybody ruin.

3. extreme interest-rate cuts. Introduction of a large asset tax as of one fortunes that to this net income corresponds of 6 months. Best approx. 50%. With the revenues the social securities supply from this tax in order to lower the pay additional costs.

4. on house and real estate if these are not used or rented out a very large tax put.

Pay on 5. transfer of fortunes into countries with large interest and put the same tax on fortunes abroad how domestically.

If this is too extreme should one do everything around the consumers the consume activate or a new economy system create.


Co.: Rainer Nemayer, R. Nemayer Limited 6/01/2003