The smokers are oppressed.

I do not want to pass on here any judgment on the harmfulness of the nicotine pleasure.

It goes want to force them/her/it, rather, around the oppression and disparagement of a population group through a different one that consists partly of fanatics do not smoke, that made that a substitute religion on others by force.

It is up to everybody what he within his lives does also whether he is smoking or not.

Nevertheless I have already experienced that self smokers for that purpose excuse that they smoking or even a guilty conscience thereby have. That is already the consequence of a kind of brainwashing that fanatical health apostles with the help of the media perform.

Therefore, the smokers must sit slowly with the defense.

1. do not spend any money in bars and other institutions where smoking is forbidden.

2.Do not hire any non-smokers for Als entrepreneur. These shall remain under self and go not for the smoking co-workers on the spirit. Thus I kept it myself and it had advantages only. The nonsmoking health apostles disturb the work-flow through a lack of risk joyousness, work failures through un relationship-like frequent physician visits and are absent at slight sicknesses. In addition, they show frequently a behavior that the operation climate disturbs. You/they try frequently to force their opinion on others also in things that have to do not anything with smoking. Non-smokers shall work in businesses where only non-smokers are working or their/her smoking co-workers leave alone.

3. It does not make any longer journeys in means of transport to where smoking is forbidden.

4. more self-confidence show. The non-smokers are not the good and took many laws simply because smokers in the cut are no fanatics and do not defend themselves.

5. the carriers from non-smoking bars and so on openly the mind tell.

6. do not vote for any political parties, smoking these against that are. No support or mid work of and in organizations that are against smoking.

7.Do not buy for since the USA took the lead in this respect any American goods and do not lead any other trade with the USA also. One also gets everything elsewhere.

I do not claim that smoke that well is. I am however against oppression these that do it. I am against every restriction on personal liberty and this is strong here given.

The smokers weden in addition still about unjustifiable tobacco taxes cheated out of money. Unjustifiable there tobacco is a nature product and therefore other food and nature products in reform houses equalized weden must. Therefore, one should try to buy the tobacco goods if possible favorably and in countries with lesser tobacco tax.


Co:/ R. Nemayer /h. Berger/ R. Nemayer Limited 2003